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A Circle of Friends at the Everyman Theatre

Everyman Theatre

The Everyman Theatre announced today that it is looking for a small number of loyal supporters, up to 25, who will give £1,000 plus VAT each, to see their theatre restored and revived  - A Circle of Friends.

Says Geoffrey Rowe, Chief Executive: “This scheme is aimed at those many people who have visited the Everyman regularly over the years.  They may remember the Rep days, they may have brought their children to pantomimes, they may have celebrated an anniversary or birthday with an evening at the theatre.”

The main benefits of membership of the Circle of Friends include 2 dress circle seats for the re-opening production in October 2011 and an invitation to the reception; a framed certificate of membership; an acknowledgement in theatre brochures and programmes for the 2011/12 season and a brass plaque with the donor’s name or dedication on one of the new seats in the refurbished auditorium.

The Victorian theatre needs urgent and serious attention and is closing from May to September 2011 to carry out the first proper restoration and refurbishment for over 30 years.

 “The Everyman is in a poor way.  It is not an exaggeration that without a restoration, the theatre will begin to fail as attendances and income start to decline.    The total cost of the restoration project will be £3 million.  We have already secured £2,750,000, so we are almost there and every donation can make a real difference. “

The Everyman recently celebrated a £500,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund which will be added to the £760,000 already raised by the Everyman fundraisers, a £1 million loan from Cheltenham Borough Council and a grant of £250,000.  A further £240,000 has come from charitable trusts and foundations.

To join and for more information on the scheme, please contact Geoffrey Rowe on 01242 512515.

Explore Gloucestershire
29 July 2010


For further information.


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