The Roses Theatre
The Roses is a busy and popular arts centre in Tewkesbury with an eclectic programme of live events, take part activities, exhibitions and festivals.
In addition to the 370 seat auditorium, The Roses is home to Eric's Bar where you can enjoy a pre-show and interval drinks as well as live entertainment including jazz and folk music and stand up comedy.
Complete with an exciting film programme of world, independent and UK film, The Roses is a diverse and exciting arts venue.
The Roses hosts plenty for everyone!
- Live Music in the main auditorium - Live Music in Eric's Bar - Opera - Folk Music - Family - Drama - Comedy - Pantomime - Community - Dance - Entertainment - Youth - Artcs & Crafts - Talks - Exhibitions - Workshops and lots more!
What's On at The Roses Theatre events in Tewkesbury