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Days out this summer in Gloucestershire - Birdland

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The day "The Tour of Britain" came to Gloucestershire

The Tour of Britain in Gloucestershire

Top cyclists from around the world rolled into Gloucestershire yesterday in a cavalcade of horns, sirens and cheers.

Rarely does a sporting event cross the end of your street, so we joined the masses of school children and public to wait for the spectacle of The Tour of Britain to fly past. Crowds were lining the streets with eager anticipation an hour before the cyclists were due to pass. All the local schools had drafted in parents to help marshall the children to and from lessons and they were not to be disappointed.

The award for those having the most fun at work yesterday goes to the police motorcycle outriders who zigzagged past with lights flashing, horns blaring and waving to the delighted children. Moments later the cyclist appeared at the top of Copt Elm Road and hurtled through the walls of cheering spectators. However, this was only a taster as a race official announced over a tannoy that the Peleton group of riders would be following by in 4 minutes and 15 seconds.

Once again the circus of motor cycle outriders cleared the road ahead as if for a presidential convoy before like a multi coloured serpent the cyclists swept down the hill. To add to the excitement one rider pulled up with a puncture and was left behind by the peleton and the children watched with baited breath as his team car pulled up changed his wheel and gave him a helping push on his way to more encouragement and clapping from the crowds.

And that was it…the day the Tour of Britain came to Gloucestershire had come and gone leaving all those who witnessed it buzzing with excitement!

Oli Davis
Explore Gloucestershire
11 September 2014

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