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Watch the penguins in the snow at Birdland Park & Gardens

Watch  the Penguins in the snow at Birdland Park & Gardens

As we prepare ourselves for the Arctic conditions that are heading our way we are keeping an eye on some of the residents of Gloucestershire who will be positively lapping up the snow and ice.

The penguins at Birdland Park & Gardens are among the few who will be in their element during the icy weather as can be seen via the 'Explore Gloucestershire' penguin webcam that we had installed at the well known attraction in Bourton-on-the-Water.

Click here for a glimpse of the only group of King Peguins in England experiencing  the weather that they love the most.

Feeding time is at 2.30 daily so click back to see them being fed in the snow.

Explore Gloucestershire
5 January 2010


For further information.


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