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Days out in Gloucester - Over Farm

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Farmer Gunther shows off his new arrivals at Over Farm

Events and news from Over Farm market near Gloucester

Fast becoming one of Gloucestershire's most loveable farmers, Farmer Gunther proudly shows off the new arrivals at Over Farm - a litter of Gloucester Old Spots pigs.

Over Farm is a great place to visit, with a fantastic farm shop selling a wide selection of meats and produce, many of them free range and organic. There's also farm animals to see for free - you may even be able to look at the new arrivals!

Open every day, Over Farm can be found on the A40 just outside Gloucester at Over.

Look out for their Easter fun and activities with a unique Easter Egg Hunt, trailer rides, fun fair and lots more...

Explore Gloucestershire
4 March 2014

For further information.


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