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Photography Competition - Setting the standards!

The standard set so far in the Gloucestershire Photography Competition 2007 is to an amazingly high standard. Here are some entries so far.

The frosty leaf is quite apt as the weather drifts in to Autumn with the crisp and cold nights following the recent crystal clear daytime skies we're currently enjoying. This photo, we are told was taken by Cyril Whittaker last Autumn in the Forest of Dean.

The photograph of the Yellowhammer was taken at Lineover Woods by Meredith Green from Wales in the early summer, whilst the stunning sunset was caught by Sheila Wilcox whilst travelling home from work near Naunton in the Cotswolds.

Yellowhammer over Cheltenham

If you think you have a photograph which is better than these then enter them for your chance to win a fabulous digital picture frame and the priviledge of having your photographs printed in one of our publications for 2008.

Follow this link for more information on how to enter.

5 October 2007
Explore Gloucestershire


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