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‘The Elf Factor’ comes to Cheltenham!

Christmas in Gloucestershire 2007

Audition to become one of Santa’s little helpers for Sudeley Castle at the Beechwood Shopping Arcade

Gloucestershire Elves of all shapes and sizes are being asked to audition on the 16 and 17 November at the Beechwood Shopping Arcade in Cheltenham to become one of Sudeley Castle’s little helpers.

People over the age of 18 are being asked to perform for a minute in front of the famous Elf Factor panel of 'Simon Christmas Carol', 'Sharon Elfbourne', 'Louie Legolas' and 'Dannii Minute'. Whether it is a song, a dance or telling a joke, then the panel want to see you!

There will also be a Best Dressed Elf Competition for children with some fantastic prizes including free tickets to the Christmas at the Castle Spectacular on the 15 and 16 December 2007.

Visitors to this event will be able to visit Santa in his Grotto, take part in the Arty Smarty Castle Party, listen to Festive Family Fables, and visit the Christmas Market which will be full of fine foods and tempting gifts. They will even be able to have a family portrait taken in The Artportrait Family Photo Studio where it will be snowing!

Taking a break from his TV duties, Simon Christmas Carol states:
“We are delighted to be visiting the Beechwood Shopping Centre, Cheltenham for the Elf Factor Auditions and look forward to meeting elves from all over Gloucestershire. We are looking for lively people who have that special something – it also helps if they have previous toy making experience, be the proud owner of a pair of subtly pointed ears and that they look good in green.”

The winners will form Sudeley’s ‘E-Team’ who will be out and about in the region giving out flyers for the Christmas at the Castle event.

30 Online applications have already being received on and auditionees are being invited to apply online and/or turn up at the Beechwood Centre at 11am on either Friday or Saturday.

12 November 2007
Explore Gloucestershire

For further information.


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