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ICBP's 5,500km Challenge

ICBP's 5,500km Challenge

ICBP's 5,500km Challenge – celebrating 55 years of the International Centre for Birds of Prey.

The International Centre for Birds of Prey has announced their 5,500km Challenge, launching on February 1st 2021. The ICBP team are aiming to travel 5,500km in celebration of their 55th anniversary next year, by any means possible – walking, cycling, running, swimming, dancing, everything counts!

The majority of the distance is predicted to come from the team’s daily walking, as part of their jobs continuing to care for the Centre and its 160+ residents, whilst ICBP is closed. After a challenging year, which saw ICBP closed for 60% of 2020, the team want to bring some positivity to the zoo community and the public. Closure has forced many emergency measures onto the charity and even with furlough, government and local grants, reserves are dwindling. The team hope that their supporters can help them to realise their ambitious challenge and secure the future of ICBP.

The public can also be involved with the challenge, beyond donating to the fundraiser. ICBP hope to inspire their supporters and the wider public to actively take time for themselves, especially during a challenging third lockdown. Resources have been put together on the challenge webpage for ideas on what to do while out and about. There are activity sheets, ID guides and tools to find open spaces locally, as well as a sponsorship form for those who want to fundraise. Members of the public can even donate their steps to help the team reach their goal by using the sign-up forms on the website.

Jemima Parry-Jones, Director of ICBP, had this to say of the challenge:
“The difficulties we have faced during this pandemic as a small charity and tourist destination have been unprecedented. However, the resilience shown by our staff and volunteers, and the support of our wider family of members and donors, has meant that we have just about survived our most challenging year yet. I hope the public can support our team as we set out on our 5,500km journey and help us raise the funds needed to secure the next 55 years of ICBP. I look forward to seeing how far each of us travels – we're a very competitive team!”

Explore Gloucestershire
2 February 2021

For further information.


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