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Cancelled Christmas Day Swim at Sandford Parks Lido

Sandfords Parks Lido have released the following statement:

We are saddened to announce that the Christmas Day Swim at Sandford Parks Lido has been cancelled this year.

As has been reported this is unprecedented weather, the worst for 100 years.

As guardians of this historic lido we have to protect its 75 year old engineering. The pool water is frozen hard level with our heritage scum channels and we fear that attempting to smash our way through the extremely thick ice will impact on the channels and potentially cause harm. They were part of our refurbishment in 2006 and they alone cost £20,000.

Also to meet our insurance obligations for the swim we must have the water processing through the 1935 filter system with chemicals. Presently the external pipework to this system is frozen solid, making it impossible to start.

Whilst we understand people’s disappointment we hope all will understand that this is the first time in forty years.

We have been holding off making this decision and had prepared the pool earlier in December, cleaning the water ready for the big day and had made contingency plans to allow those hardy swimmers to dip into the water. But the current weather forecast for the rest of the week remains bitterly cold.

The potential damage to the lido for 1 swim in December is far outweighed by the pleasure the lido will bring throughout the season of 2011 which will start on Saturday 30th April. We look forward to welcoming you all then to our Turning Back Time day.

Explore Gloucestershire
22 December 2010



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