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Gloucester Folk Museum Presents BBC High Street History Interactive Event

Gloucester Folk Museum

Gloucester’s High Street History

In conjunction with the BBC High Street History campaign, the Folk Museum will be opening up its onsite shops and workshops for one day only. Family activities and colourful in-character tradesmen and women will be on hand to complete the traditional atmospheric hustle and bustle of a day gone by in Gloucester City.

Victorian Re-enactor Mick Hoskins will be manning the Ironmongers to give a real idea of what popping to the shops meant many years ago.  Wife Joy, also a Victorian specialist will be shopping and showing off some traditional crafts throughout the day, Social History Curator Nigel Cox will be repairing a pair of antique wheels in the wheelwrights workshop set in the 1920’s.  Education Officer Sarah Orton who previously worked at Northampton Shoe Museum will be opening the cobblers and has borrowed some feet measuring equipment to test on visitors that would have been used had you gone shopping 100 years ago and staff will be dressed from other decades over the last 150 years throughout the day.

A photographic exhibition of the four Gate streets and how they have looked over the last 150 years will also be available to view throughout January.

Drinks and traditional home made cakes will be available as we prepare to open the Folk Tea Rooms in March.

  • Date: Saturday 15 January 2011
  • Time: 11am - 4pm
  • Where: Gloucester Folk Museum, Saturday 15th January, 11am - 4pm
    Explore Gloucestershire
    7 January 2011

For further information.


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