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Big boost to Cotswold Water Park near Cirencester

Big boost to Cotswold Water Park near Cirencester

More than £1 million of environmental work by Watermark ensures a sustainable future around Cotswold Water Park.

IN the last five years Watermark has spent more than £1 million in order to protect the environment and ensure a green future for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty around Cotswold Water Park.

It includes planting 10,000 trees and miles of hedgerows, shoring up crumbling lake banks, installing sluices, protecting wildflower meadows and planting a new vineyard.

Watermark Chairman, Max Thomas, said: “This long-term investment has helped us meet many bio-diversity targets because Cotswold Water Park is a very important part of English heritage.

“Watermark is always mindful to source native species to provide important refuge, food and nesting habitats as well as purpose-built stock ponds and ensure stabilisation of lake banks to encourage a rich bio-diversity of flora and fauna.

“This investment not only ensures our heritage is protected but the future thrives so visitors and local people can rest-assured the environment is central to our plans.”

Investment breakdown:

A £100,000 single estate, 7.5-acre vineyard at Poulton Hill Estate near Poulton set to produce up to 12,000 bottle of red, white and rose wine annually (

By 2013 Watermark aims to spend even more at Poulton Hill Estate building a timber-framed, eco-friendly shop and visitor centre from super-insulated local straw bales, offering regional home-made products with a low carbon footprint.

Nearly £300,000 at Landings Lake - the 150-acre former gravel pit has been cleared of scrub and planted with native tree such as hawthorn, crab apple and field maples with a new sluice to control water levels.

Marsh areas have been drained and hedgerows planted with wildflower meadows to help bee and insect populations, rare dragonfly species and blue-tailed damselfly as well as thousands of nesting and migrant birds.

£350,000 has been allocated to Cotswold Country Park and Beach - to repair lake bank erosion as well as planting a significant habitat enhancement scheme around the 40-acre, ‘Lake 31’.

More than 1000 metres of new marginal habitat with rush beds, water mint, marigolds and bulrushes to be planted along crumbling banks along  with three new nature ponds, bird hides, seat and picnic areas to benefit walkers and wildlife that includes great-crested and smooth newts and frog species.

£100,000 on 10,000 native trees and shrubs and miles of indigenous hedgerows.
Tree species include oaks, beech and field maples with hedgerows like black poplar, holly and spindleberry to make a perfect natural habitat for native songbirds, mammals and insects as well as hedgerows to feed them and hide in.

£300,000 given to Cotswold District Council to establish and preserve cycle ways.

The 147 lakes across 43 square miles of the Cotswold Water Park provide vital breeding grounds and homes to 20,000 water birds and 21,000 gulls, as well as warblers, little-ringed plovers and common terns.

A five-strong Ranger Team works throughout the year managing more than 1,000 acres of privately owned estate and ensuring nationally important wildlife habitats are protected and enjoyed by the public.

Watermark has built luxury holiday rental and second home properties providing vital work and business around South Cerney, loved by holiday makers for its tranquillity, water sports and fishing, golfing, cycling and walking.

Environmentally-friendly new properties at Watermark have been constructed to conserve energy and features include:

•    Energy efficient air source heat pumps to provide filtered air heating and cooling
•    Energy efficient lighting
•    Timber sourced from sustainable managed forests
•    Water conversion – rain-water run-off from planned homes at The Peninsula runs directly into the lake, thereby reducing the impact on the mains system

For more information on Watermark please go to or telephone 01285 869031.

Explore Gloucestershire
6 June 2011

For further information.


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