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Your autumn is here, at Westonbirt Arboretum

Westonbirt Arboretum credit Paul Box

Westonbirt, The National Arboretum is known for its autumn colour and this world-famous season is back!

Don’t miss out on over 15,000 trees putting on one of the most spectacular natural colour shows. With vibrant colour all around you, why not head to Acer Glade in the Old Arboretum and Maple Loop in Silk Wood and encounter the endangered and renowned Acer trees, to see a dazzling display of vibrant reds, yellows, oranges and purples and experience nature’s very own firework display.

Did you know that some of the trees responsible for autumn beauty are as threatened as the most endangered animals on the planet? Westonbirt Arboretum currently has 100 of the world’s threatened trees in its collection and they work with others in the botanic garden community to support conservation efforts. See if you can find the endangered trees on our Disappearing Tree Trail around the Old Arboretum.

If you are bringing little ones, learn about the Wonderful World of Fungi by exploring our brand-new trail in Silk Wood.

Dan Crowley, Global Conservation Consortia Manager at Botanic Gardens Conservation International, works with Westonbirt and says:
“Growing threatened species in collections like Westonbirt Arboretum is an essential ‘insurance policy’ for these species. By caring for threatened trees in the arboretum collection, we can learn more about them, as well as making material available for research and wild re-introductions.”

Support the tree conservation work being carried out at Westonbirt Arboretum by purchasing ‘The Little Book of Disappearing Trees,’ available to purchase online from Forestry England and on site and find out what is being done to halt the decline of our threatened trees.

If you love trees in autumn and want to learn more about them, then Westonbirt is the place for you to visit. The diversity and vibrancy of leaf colours to be found at Westonbirt is unsurpassed in Britain. You have the makings of an autumnal experience like no other, so come and discover your autumn at Westonbirt Arboretum.

Explore Gloucestershire
4 October 2022

For further information.


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