Explore Gloucestershire iPhone APP - over 2000 downloads!
Downloads for the Explore Gloucestershire iPhone APP reached the second massive milestone on Sunday 10 April 2011 with a recorded total of 2012 APP downloads.
This has exceeded the estimated figure by more than 4 times, and is solid proof that not only iPhones are the most popular smart phone used, but the fact that more and more people are using the latest mobile technology to find out what they want.
We have been busy marketing the iPhone APP, the first of its kind for Gloucestershire, with various adverts in magazines including Cotswold Style, flyers, posters and of course on-line too, but must mention a special thanks for the full support from Forest of Dean Tourism who have given us great exposure on their website www.visitforestofdean.co.uk.
The development team at Explore Gloucestershire are already working on the next phase of the APP which will be even more helpful for promoting what Gloucestershire has to offer.
Explore Gloucestershire
11 April 2011

For further information.