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Gloucester Through The Ages set to bring History to life at forthcoming BiG Gloucester History Festival

Gloucester History Festival

Gloucester is gearing up for a special weekend of historical re-enactments during the forthcoming Gloucester History Festival, organised by Marketing Gloucester. Gloucester Through the Ages, which takes place over the weekend of 1st and 2nd September 2012, offers members of the public the opportunity to soak up the sounds, sights and even smells of 2000 years of history in one spectacular weekend.

Featuring 300 performers dressed as historical characters, Gloucester Through the Ages is designed to bring history to life and encourage people of all ages to discover what life was like through the ages.

The Cathedral Green will host various living history encampments featuring fashion and food from different eras, and children will have the chance to enjoy medieval games or try on helmets and armour. Each day, activities will include a medieval knights’ tournament, archery and weaponry displays, medieval dancing and 17th Century music and songs. Meanwhile, inside the Cathedral, visitors will encounter a young Henry VIII and Tudor courtiers.

Re-enactment groups in The Docks will range from Saxon, Viking and Roman groups to the 1940s group The Spitfires who will be staging a fashion show and playing music and songs from the Second World War era. Spectators will also be able to see displays of Roman battle tactics, Viking combat as well as musket firing by Napoleonic Redcoat soldiers.

Three replica historic boats will sail around the Main Basin at Gloucester Docks – a 32 foot Viking Ship, a Royal Navy launch from the Napoleonic Wars, complete with musket and bow cannon (which will be fired) and also a WWII Mark 8 Cockleshell motorised canoe.

At Blackfriars Priory, visitors can find out about medieval surgery, receive some medieval gardening tips, meet military monks of the Knights Hospitallers and discover aspects of monastic life, including how an illuminated manuscript was produced.

During the Gloucester Through the Ages Weekend, residents and visitors alike can be transported back to the year 1582 at the New Inn on Northgate Street, where staff and customers will recreate what life was like over 400 years ago.

Details of all events at the forthcoming Gloucester History Festival, including a timetable of events for the Gloucester Through the Ages weekend, can be found at

Chairman of Marketing Gloucester and Leader of Gloucester City Council, Councillor Paul James comments:

“Gloucester Through the Ages is one of the most exciting aspects of Gloucester History Festival because it will see the streets come alive in a vast city-wide pageant. Living History really does bring History to life, especially for children, so I do hope everyone will make the most of the weekend.” 

Chief Executive of Marketing Gloucester and Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company, Chris Oldershaw comments:

 “Gloucester is becoming well-known for staging major festivals and events and the Gloucester History Festival is one of the most important events in the Believe in Gloucester calendar which will further enhance our reputation. Gloucester Through the Ages is one of the many highlights of the Festival which I know will appeal to residents, as well as visitors from further afield.”

The Gloucester History Festival takes place from 27th August to 9th September 2012.  Celebrating more than 2000 years of History with over 140 events for people of all ages, the inaugural Gloucester History Festival builds on the success of both the Heritage Open Days and last year’s History Week.

Explore Gloucestershire
22 August 2012

For further information.


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