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Lechlade Festival – Burlesque Revue

Lechlade Festival – Burlesque Revue

Lechlade Festival organisers are delighted to welcome back burlesque stars 'Missy Malone and Friends' to the festival on Sunday 26th May in the Halfpenny Tent.

The fabulous 2013 line up stars Missy Malone (of course), accompanied by comedian and compere Desmond O’Connor, Cherry Shakewell, Millie Dollar, Scarlett Daggers and – one for the ladies – Edd Muir who will be performing his famous “Diet Coke Man” routine.

The Missy Malone and Friends Revue is a glorious theatre show, widely regarded as the best of its kind, currently touring the UK. Each show features an array of authentic, titillating burlesque performances, comedy routines, cabaret and music. Prepare to be teased, tantalised and thoroughly entertained!

Weekend tickets for the festival are still available at just £35 for 3 days of top quality live music and entertainment. There are only a few tent pitches remaining so get your tickets booked soon! (you can camp all weekend for just an extra £10).

If you needed any more encouragement, we can also announce that the Cadbury Sisters will be joining the line up on Saturday 25th May at 1.45pm. You may not have heard of these girls but you soon will have! They are an amazing folk-pop band – currently in talks with a number of major labels.

The full line-up and tickets for the festival are available via the website at

Follow the latest news on or Twitter @LechladeFest

Explore Gloucestershire
14 May 2013

For further information.


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