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Meet the “Water Horses” at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Meet the “Water Horses” at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Cotswold Wildlife Park welcomes twins Pippin and Merry, the latest additions to their Capybara family (the largest rodent species in existence) to the Park.

The twins were born last month to mother Pluto and father Toby.

The best description of these enormous rodents is by zoologist Desmond Morris, who said they were "a cross between a Guinea-pig and a Hippopotamus!"

Capybaras spend most of their life near water and can stay submerged for several minutes. They can even sleep underwater by leaving their noses exposed to the air.

The scientific name for the Capybara is Hydrochoerus, which means “water horse”.

A fully grown Capybara can weigh up to 65kg (as much as the average man). Capybaras are found over much of South America. They are capable of a range of vocalisations and can purr and bark.

Curator of Cotswold Wildlife Park, Jamie Craig, said: "We are always pleased to welcome Capybara babies at the Park. They can be incredibly playful and it is a joy to watch them explore and make use of their makeshift "diving boards" as they practice their diving skills in the pond they share with our Brazilian Tapir."

Cotswold Wildlife Park is open every day from 10pm.

Explore Gloucestershire
31 May 2013

For further information.


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