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News from Cotswold Wildlife Park

News from Cotswold Wildlife Park

The fortunate foal: Meet the Zebra born on Friday the 13th at Cotswold Wildlife Park.

Considered by many to be one of the unluckiest days of the year, thankfully, for the keepers at Cotswold Wildlife Park, a fortunate event occurred on Friday the 13th this year. They discovered that Zebra mare Stella had given birth to a foal. This is her fourth baby with stallion Spongebob and is the breeding pairs’ first female foal. Cotswold Wildlife Park is inviting members of the public to help name her via their Facebook page.

The energetic newborn is fast on her feet and was filmed galloping around the paddock when she was just over a week old - much to the delight of visitors who were amazed at the tiny foal’s speed. Visitors can see the youngster in the Zebra enclosure opposite the Rhino paddock.

Curator of Cotswold Wildlife Park, Jamie Craig, commented: “For once, Friday the 13th proved very lucky. The foal was up and about very quickly and despite a distinct lack of coordination, was soon dashing around the paddock. Luckily for her, she was able to enjoy the benefits of a rare hot British summer and continues to go from strength to strength”.


Explore Gloucestershire
27 August 2018

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