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REVIEW: Dick Whittington at The Roses Theatre

REVIEW: Dick Whittington at The Roses Theatre

All that glitters may not be gold, but it could quite possibly be the latest pantomime at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury! 

This year it’s Dick Whittington and Explore Gloucestershire popped along for our first festive offering of the season. 

Ben Croker, the writer and director returns to The Roses for his seventh year with yet another belter!

If you’re looking for an evening of great family entertainment with all the vital ingredients of a good panto, then this is it. The whole production was an explosion of colour from beginning to end with both sets and costumes. Praise should go to those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that all went along smoothly. 

The cast proved to be a great team who were obviously enjoying their performances. Both Laura Barnard (Alice Fitzwarren) and Amy Bridges (Dick Whittington) have superb singing voices and dueted beautifully on some of the songs. Derek Frood played a great baddie as the evil King Rat, and Ben Eagle was very entertaining as the outlandish Sarah the Cook. Simon Spencer-Hyde (Alderman Fitzwarren) did a great job at costume changes, so much so that you were half expecting him to turn up in the wrong one! Priscilla Osegie prowled the stage as Tommy the Cat, and faithful companion of Dick. Michael Warson-Gray played Idle Jack, the hapless but clumsy lad in love with Alice who seems unable to anything right. The young dancers from the Amy Flynn School of Dance also did themselves proud. 

With lashings of slapstick comedy panto always has something for the whole family, to laugh out loud, or to snigger quietly at. The story of Dick Whittington and his adventures on the high seas and utimate happy ending is familiar to all and told in such a fun way. There was also lots of audience participation and we even learnt something new – Baby Shark! I now know that this will have some of you wincing, but it was great fun for the whole audience. The Churchdown Brownies certainly enjoyed their evening and they knew all the moves!

If you haven’t booked your panto tickets yet, then we can 100% recommend Dick Whittington at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Dick Whittington runs until 5 January 2019.

Explore Gloucestershire
5 December 2018

For further information.


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