Gloucester Cathedral commemorates the life of Nelson Mandela
The Very Reverend Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester announced that Gloucester Cathedral will commemorate the life of Nelson Mandela.
He said “The passing of Nelson Mandela is a world event; he was the greatest man of our times. Nelson Mandela embodied the peace and forgiveness we see in Jesus Christ. Now he is free again. At Gloucester Cathedral we shall remember Nelson Mandela in our daily prayers and especially at a service at 5.30pm on Thursday 12th December, during which the Choir will sing an African song – ‘Siyahamba’ which means ‘We are walking in the light of God’. All are welcome.”
Members of the public are invited to sign a book of remembrance which will be placed at the Cathedral candlestand with a special prayer card in honour of Mr Mandela which reads:
Most generous God, we thank you for the gift of your servant Nelson Mandela.
Inspire us with his generous heart, his courageous heart, his humble heart and give us the will to work for peace and reconciliation in our own lives and the life of the world. We pray in the name of the Prince of Peace,
Jesus Christ our friend and saviour.
In tribute to Mr Mandela, Gloucester Cathedral will fly the St George flag at half mast.
Explore Gloucestershire
6 December 2013
For further information.