The Ghosts of Berkeley Castle – Sculpture Exhibition
The Ghosts of Berkeley Castle – Sculpture Exhibition
Berkeley Castle have announced their collaboration with local artist Jackie Lantelli, whose ghostlike sculptures of WWI soldiers at Slimbridge brought hordes of visitors to the churchyard last November.
The exhibition which launches at Berkeley Castle on Sunday 2 June 2019 promises to have just as much of a ‘wow factor’ and will include sculptures of Edward II, doomed in his cell; Elizabeth I, ready with her crossbow to kill the Earl of Berkeley’s prize stags and Dicky Pearce, the jester who fell from the Minstrel’s Gallery. It promises to be an unmissable exhibition with many other sculptures to spot as you wander around the Castle’s grand rooms and grounds.
“We are delighted that Jackie has agreed to work with us to bring our historical stories and characters to life. Not only has she created sculptures of a King & Queen notoriously associated with the Castle, she’s also bringing some of the everyday historical characters alive too” says Charles Berkeley, Castle Director.
Sculptor, Jackie Lantelli commented “After exhibiting the WW1 Tommy sculptures at Slimbridge church I was delighted when Berkeley Castle asked me to make some historical figures for them. I find it very interesting looking into the history of a real person and finding out about their lives. Then when the sculpture is finished it seems to have a soul to it and it can be very emotional at times, just seeing the sculpture of King Edward makes you think ahh poor chap, he looks really fed up. And when you know what's going to happen to him it almost brings a tear to your eye.
I must say that Berkeley Castle is such a beautiful place, and the staff are very friendly, I feel honoured that my work is going to be exhibited there.”
Berkeley Castle is open from Sunday to Wednesday each week until the end of October, 10.30am – 5pm (last admission 4pm). Berkeley Castle is located at Berkeley, Gloucestershire, GL13 9PJ. Tel: 01453 810303. For further information about the Castle and all events for 2019, please visit Follow the Castle on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Explore Gloucestershire
3 April 2019
For further information.