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Good Friday Act of Witness in Gloucester City Centre

Good Friday Act of Witness in Gloucester City Centre

The Dean of Gloucester, the Very Rev’d Stephen Lake, will lead a team of ministers from the Cathedral and local churches who will be shoe shining in the middle of the Gate Streets on Good Friday from 10.30am - 11.30am. People are welcome to come along to have their shoes and boots cleaned as a sign of service to all.
On Good Friday Christians remember God’s love for the world and Jesus’ message of hope and salvation. What happened in a faraway city long ago is relevant in our city today.
The Dean explained the significance of offering to shine shoes on Good Friday. ‘Jesus washed feet in Holy Week as a sign of his unconditional love. We can’t do that in our city, so we’ll offer to shine shoes, and talk, and serve. We witness to Jesus who knelt and became the servant of all. Come along.’
For more information please contact: Rev’d Canon Nikki Arthy on 07890 771 530.
Information about all services and events at Gloucester Cathedral during Holy Week and Easter can be found via the website (see link below).

Explore Gloucestershire
15 April 2019 

For further information.


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