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Allsorts charity enjoy free half term fun at The Play Farm

The Play Farm at The Brewery Quarter

The Play Farm Team is delighted to be welcoming a large group of families from Stroud-based charity Allsorts to enjoy their soft play facilities.  60 children, parents and carers will take part in a two-hour private session at Play Farm’s venue in The Brewery Quarter this October half term, on Thursday 28 October.

Allsorts offers extracurricular fun activities to families with special educational needs and disabilities.  They offer various events, classes, clubs and trips that provide fun for both the children and wider family, which in turn provides valuable respite to carers. 

Owner of The Play Farm Richard Oates commented; “We provide regular events for children with special needs, but it’s been commented by some that they never get the prime slots, as they are usually early on weekend mornings or in the evenings, when some kids are already tired. I was keen to show we were listening and offered Allsorts a prime slot session, free of charge in the half term, at a time that worked for them.  I hope they enjoy our recently updated facilities in calm surroundings, giving the 60 children, parents and carers the chance to relax and have fun.

Clarissa Maidment, Head of Families at Allsorts commented: “Families with disabled children have found the last 18 months particularly hard, with many left completely isolated and without their support networks. Allsorts is more determined than ever to keep families connected, listen and adapt to offer the best support possible.  

“As restrictions have eased, we’ve been reuniting families through fun yet safe trips and activities. We are delighted that The Play Farm in Cheltenham are supporting this by offering us their fantastic venue so families can enjoy soft play without the busyness of a usual session!

Allsorts recently launched a Fundraising Appeal to raise £5,000 for vital family trips and activities. You can donate today to help them to bring families back together on their fundraising page here.  

You’ll be helping families like Jackie’s, who says “The last year has been very difficult in so many ways for us as a family. We usually rely heavily on the Allsorts family trips where we would meet other Allsorts families, along with the Allsorts staff. We are so thrilled to have family trips again!”

Explore Gloucestershire
27 October 2021

For further information.


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