Shoes Have Names exhibition at New Brewery Arts
New Brewery Arts is excited to announce a new exhibition. Shoes Have Names, a collaboration with conceptual fashion designer Jo Cope and Shelter. Stories of homelessness have never been told like this before.
Ten international artists, shoemakers and designers were paired up with a formally homeless person that Shelter has helped through its frontline services. The show features a collection of handmade artworks inspired by the personal experiences of real people facing homelessness. From shoes made out of an old sofa, to the use of the latest CAD software and 3D printing.
The show opens 29th January and runs until Sunday 3rd April 2022, entry is free.
The show was originally put on at Shelter’s flagship Boutique Shop in Coal Drop Yard, London as part of the 2020 London Craft Week. The show comes to New Brewery Arts highlighting two areas close to the organisation's values – the beautifully crafted shoes by renowned artists speak to the centre’s high-quality craft values. In 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic New Brewery Arts opened its Barrel Store accommodation to homeless people in need, this exhibition resonates and helps to remind us that homelessness has many ‘looks’ and exists in Cirencester, it speaks to New Brewery Arts values of working with and supporting our local communities.
The exhibition aims to raise awareness of the thousands of people tackling evictions, poor housing conditions, landlord issues and homelessness. But Shelter gives hope. With the right support and by working together, people can fight bad housing and make a positive change. The exhibition is also working towards removing a stigma around homelessness. These very personal examples of a homeless experience highlight the many ‘faces’ of homelessness, and the reality of the issue being so close to home.
Each shoe or pair of shoes created by the designers are named after the person who’s been supported by Shelter. The designers have been asked to create a unique design reflecting the stories of the individuals using the materials they are most comfortable using from their current design specialisms.
The show has a dominating/striking red aesthetic– Jo Cope explains; ‘there is an emergency, there is a housing crisis, it is a call to action, that is what the red is about’.
Explore Gloucestershire
10 December 2021
For further information.