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'Summer on the Farm' at Adam Henson's Cotswold Farm Park

'Summer on the Farm' at Adam Henson's Cotswold Farm Park

Explore Gloucestershire interviewed Martin Baxter, Marketing Administrator at Adam Henson's Cotswold Farm Park about the farmyard goings at one of best visitor attractions in the Cotswolds.
Here is what Martin had to say:-


1.    Have any of the animals at Cotswold Farm Park ever been used in television programmes or films?
Almost as soon as the Farm Park was opened, the media began taking an interest in the animals and lots of our animals have become moo-vie stars! Our farm animals have feature in an array of television shows and movies, including films ‘Emma’, ‘Robin Hood’, ‘101 Dalmatians’ and even ‘Alien 3’.

2.    What is the rarest animal found at Cotswold Farm Park?

The Cotswold Farm Park is dedicated to protecting rare breeds of farm animals, so we do have a variety of rare breeds here. One of them is the Boreray Sheep. With less than 900 breeding females left, they are one of the rarest breeds of sheep in the U.K.

3.    Does Cotswold Farm Park have any special events over the summer months, we hear there is a fantastic maze?
That’s right, we have our ‘Wonderland’ themed Maize Maze which is open every day until the 2nd September. Entrance to the maze is included in the cost of admission, and there are Maze only tickets for any maze fanatics. Watch out for the Mad Hatter who will be causing mischief in the maze! 
On the 22nd August, we are running our first Outdoor Cinema event. We are airing The Greatest Showman and The Lion King. The Greatest Showman is already sold out, but tickets are still available for The Lion King. Tickets can be booked online.

4.    What’s new at Cotswold Farm Park in 2018 – can you tell us anymore of what can be found there and are there any more plans?

We’ve added some new events this year. Our Messy Play sessions for the little ones has had great feedback. Kids get to squeeze, stir, splash and squelch various substances including food, soil and foam.
Additionally, our first Members Party took place in June. This event was exclusively for our members, and they could bring up to five friends for free. As well as the usual farm park fun, we had some extra special extras including live music, a BBQ, and a behind the scenes tour of the farmyard on the Farm Safari. 
We’ve recently submitted a planning application to extend our visitor centre, which we are really excited about.

5.    If it rains is there still plenty to see and do at Cotswold Farm Park?
Yes, the Adventure Barn, Animal Barn and Discovery Barns are all undercover. The seasonal demonstrations, Milking and The Sheep Show take place in these barns, as well as the Bottle Feeding and the Meet The Farmyard Animals. The Adventure Barn is an indoor play barn, so great for the kids to let off some steam! 
The Farm Safari is also undercover and circles round the whole Farm Park.
If the rain doesn’t cease, visitors could take shelter in our café, Adam’s Kitchen, and enjoy a hot drink and a homemade cake. 

6.    Has Cotswold Farm Park any special offers for the summer?

YES, Free Child Entry Offer which is EXCLUSIVE to Explore Gloucestershire!

7.    Is there a café and picnic areas at Cotswold Farm Park?
Yes, Adam’s Kitchen serves hot and cold food, homemade cakes and hot and cold drinks. There are also a few kiosks in the park selling snacks, ice creams and drinks to grab on the go. Guests are welcome to bring their own picnics and there are plenty of picnic benches dotted around the park.

8.    Is Cotswold Farm Park easy to get to and is there parking nearby?
We’re about 30 minutes’ drive from Cheltenham and there are brown and yellow road signs to direct visitors. There is free parking on site.

9.    Does Cotswold Farm Park have access and facilities for disabled visitors?
Yes, there are disabled toilet facilities in each toilet block around the park.
Doorways to the shop and café are extra wide and ramped. The Farm Park has concrete, gravelled and grassy walkways, all wide enough to accept a wheelchair. Please note many areas are sloped and may require a bit of strength to push wheelchairs around. There is also space for one wheelchair on the Farm Safari.
For deaf and hard of hearing visitors, there is a wealth of written information around the Farm Park.
We also have listening posts around the Rare Breeds History Trail for those who are blind and partially sighted.
Dedicated carers are able to enter the Farm Park for free.

10.    Can you tell us what Adam Henson is working on at the moment and will there be a chance to see him over the summer holidays at Cotswold Farm Park?

Adam will soon be working on Countryfile Live, which starts this Thursday. He does pop in to the Farm Park as often as he can, so if you are lucky you may spot him!

…and finally…

What would you say is the best reason to visit Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park?

There are so many! I think what’s great about Cotswold Farm Park is how many opportunities there are to interact with our animals. Whether its bottle feeding the lambs and goats, cuddling chicks and fluffy bunnies, meeting sheep through the ages in our Sheep Show, or walking through the Rare Breeds Through History Walk with a bag of animal snacks in your hand, there are plenty of chances to meet different farm animals.

Explore Gloucestershire
31 July 2018

For further information.


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