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Parking enforcement in Cheltenham

A common sense approach to parking enforcement during hazardous weather conditions.

Due to the hazardous road conditions Cheltenham Borough Council is asking the residents of Cheltenham to only use their motor vehicles if necessary. If motorists have to leave their cars on the roadside due to the weather conditions, provided they are parked safely, do not affect traffic flow and are not causing a safety hazard then they will not be issued a ticket. Vehicles will need to be removed as soon as the weather improves, when usual parking enforcement will apply.

If residents do need to use their vehicles, the council wants to reassure motorists that parking enforcement officers are taking a common sense approach with respect to parking during these weather conditions.   If residents find that they are not able to drive their cars home, they may leave them overnight in council car parks that remain open.
Enforcement officers will be out around the borough providing advice on parking safely. 

Owen Parry, head of integrated transport and sustainability, says; “The roads are causing treacherous driving conditions so we’re asking the public to only use their vehicles if absolutely necessary and drive with great care." If a motor vehicle does cause an obstruction or is a hazard then enforcement will take place.

Explore Gloucestershire
21 December 2010

For further information.


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