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Bumper Bank Holiday Weekend at Gloucester Cathedral

Bumper Bank Holiday Weekend at Gloucester Cathedral

Come Rain or Shine it’s a Bumper Bank Holiday Weekend at Gloucester Cathedral
This Bank Holiday weekend, regardless of the weather, there is something to keep everyone entertained at Gloucester Cathedral.
As Gloucester celebrates it’s first “Gloucester Goes Retro Festival” come and marvel at over 60 historic vehicles that will be on display in the Cathedral car park on Saturday or Sunday. If art is your thing take a look at the retro pictures on display in the Cathedral Coffee Shop while you take a pit stop for some refreshments and if it’s fashion then head to the Chapter House at on Saturday to see a mini Bridal Fashion Show by S. J. P. Bridal, our local bridal wear shop in College Street. Don’t forget your camera!
The Children are well catered for with our Free ‘Pilgrims’ Quest’ Trail that can be collected from a Cathedral Welcomer before they discover what drew the crowds to this amazing building in the Middle Ages.
Everyone can do ‘The Walk of Life’. Spend some time walking the Labyrinth in the Nave, all children can collect a special bookmark/sticker on completion.
If you love books, our beautiful 15th century monastic library (rarely open to the public) will be open for tours on Saturday at 11.00am, 12noon, 2.00pm or 3.00pm. Tickets are just £7.00 from the Cathedral Shop and Children under 16 go Free. (Includes admission to the Tribune Gallery and Whispering Gallery)
If you have a head for heights and the weather is fair, join a Tower Tour to take in the sights from the highest point in the City. Tickets £7.00 (£1.00 for under 16s) from the Cathedral Shop.
For all music lovers out there we have an ever popular Bank Holiday Lunchtime Organ Recital at 1.00pm on Monday. Come and hear the mighty Cathedral organ being put through its paces by Andrew Bryden, Director of Music at Ripon Cathedral. Guaranteed to be ‘retro’ and to ‘take you back in time’ as you enjoy music from master composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, César Franck, Denis Bédard and Joseph Jongen.
Have a great Bank Holiday at Gloucester Cathedral.
For information of all our services and events at Gloucester Cathedral visit

Explore Gloucestershire
27 August 2015

For further information.


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