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‘Museum of the Moon’ to land at Gloucester Cathedral

‘Museum of the Moon’ to land at Gloucester Cathedral

Gloucester Cathedral is thrilled to announce the arrival of Gloucestershire born artist Luke Jerram’s ‘Museum of the Moon’ which will take up residence in the city from Wednesday 16 October to Monday 4 November 2019.
To date over 3 million people have visited the artwork, an enormous seven metre diameter internally lit replica of the moon featuring detailed NASA supplied imagery of the lunar surface. 
Other venues to have hosted Museum of the Moon have seen huge numbers of people of all ages and interests coming to spend time with the artwork which includes a surround sound composition created by BAFTA and Ivor Novello award winning composer Dan Jones.  A choral piece by Simon Holmes, specially created for the Museum of the Moon will also be used while the piece is at Gloucester Cathedral.
The installation in Gloucester is part of Strike A Light’s autumn season.  Both Strike A Light and Gloucester Cathedral have been inspired to create a full programme of moon-themed events including late night openings, Moonlit Tower and Starlit Library tours, concerts, theatre productions, talks by lunar experts and an experimental sound installation in the Cathedral Crypt.  There will be lots of crafts, workshops and stone-carving for younger visitors throughout the October half term.  Quieter times for those with sensory sensitivities have been arranged each morning with special services for reflection and meditation.  Full details can be found on the Cathedral’s website
Welcoming everyone to the Cathedral for this special installation, the Very Reverend Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester said:

“Psalm 8 speaks of the Divine Majesty and Human Dignity. It says, ‘When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established, what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?’ The wonder of the Christian faith is that the one who created the moon and the stars, cares for you and me. Come and wonder at God’s boundless love.”

Artist Luke Jerram commented that:
“Being born and raised in Gloucestershire, it's a great pleasure to bring Museum of the Moon back home.”
Emma Jane Benning of lead partner Strike A Light said:

“It's amazing that the Cathedral is hosting such inspiring events, opening the doors of this historic building. It's about exciting arts events for everyone. Even if you only have five minutes during your lunch break you should pop into the Cathedral and stand under the Moon - it's massive!”
The Moon is the culmination of a city-wide season Earth to Moon supported by Gloucester Culture Trust to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landings. Gloucester Culture Trust Director, Hollie Smith-Charles said:
“We’re thrilled that Great Place funding has been able to support such a collaborative, exciting project. It has showcased Gloucester’s beautiful heritage buildings and brought amazing art to the city – all part of our ambition to put Gloucester on the cultural map!”
Please note the Cathedral will be closed until 1.00pm on 24 October and until 5.00pm on 25 October for graduations.  Visit the Cathedral Website Calendar for up to date closure times during the exhibition.

Explore Gloucestershire
8 October 2019

For further information.


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