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Elizabeth: The Golden Age - The Gloucester connection

On Friday, 2 November sees the opening of the long awaited sequel to Elizabeth, Elizabeth:The Golden Age. Few people however will be aware of it’s links to Gloucester Docks.

T Nielsen & Co undertake traditional shipbuilding and restoration in the Docks in Gloucester. They also undertake film work when specialist knowledge on tall ships is required. Jamie Green who works at Nielsens was employed to work as a rigger on the set for the main ship at Shepperton Studios. Indeed his expertise went further than just rope work. Jamie, an experienced sailor who has worked on several tall ships himself as a bosun was able to assist the director with suggestions when movements of the ship didn’t look quite right. Some of the film props have been retained by T. Nielsen & Co. and were out on display during the recent Gloucester Tall Ships Festival 2007.

We can now finally disclose the true identity of the 'Tigers' head (pictured) as seen around the county on Stagecoach buses as being the figurehead for the bow of the ship in the film.

30 October 2007
Explore Gloucestershire

For further information.


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