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The return of the Nature in Art pre-Christmas Fayre

Events at Nature in Art near Gloucester

During the 1st and 2nd November, you will have the chance to seek out some attractive and distinctive gifts at the annual craft fair at Nature in Art, just outside Gloucester.

With a wide range of quality crafts on offer, you can really impress at Christmas time.  Not only will you find things that you can‚t buy in the shops, but you‚ll also discover imaginative items you never would have thought even existed!  As well as traditional crafts like woodturning, ceramics and jewellery, you‚ll see things like fused glassware, mosaics, paper marbling, straw craft and calligraphy ˆ and various children‚s gifts too.  All of the items will have been made by the craftspeople selling them, so often a gift can be personalised to make it even more special.

Many craftspeople will be demonstrating throughout both days, so you can see the creative process for yourself.  On the Saturday, you can even try your hands at making your own pot.  And as usual, you can see some birds of prey, an artist in residence and museum galleries, including a temporary exhibition of work by Raymond Sheppard who was one of the most gifted painters of wildlife of his generation (see picture).

Parking is free, and for this weekend only, adults can take advantage of all this for only £2
whilst children 16 & under are free!

Explore Gloucestershire
15 October 2008

For further information.


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