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Latest News from Sandford Parks Lido

Latest news from Sandford Parks Lido

The team at Sandford Parksn Lido were saddened to learn that although optimistic about the prospect that they are unable to reopen on 1 July.

They remain hopeful that the situation will change soon, but unfortunately are not able to make any definitive announcements as yet.

We know very well, how disappointed you will be, so, what can you do to help?
Swim England have launched an “Open our Pools” Campaign, and are asking all of you to join in and help in what ever way you can!
Please follow the link to join in this important campaign.

As a result of COVID-19 your experience at the lido will be a very different one than what you have been used to. Much of how they operate will be influenced and in line with the latest guidelines from Swim England and the Royal Life Saving Society UK, their governing bodies. As expected, there will be many restrictions which will need to be put in place to ensure the safety of both staff and visitors.
Once the green light has been given from the government more information will be released. Needless to say, the number of people that the Lido will be able to accommodate will be drastically cut and to try and accommodate as many as possible they envisage setting up a system where you can have timed swims.
The team at the Lido will continue to make tough decisions around the financial viability of opening and staying open this year and will assess this situation closely. They are prepared to make any changes to the plans at short notice as their main priority is to keep everyone safe and ensure the future of Sandford Parks Lido.

Until then the focus now is to change minds and get the green light to open again and your help will be greatly appreciated.
Sandford Parks Lido would like to thank you for your kind messages of support, it means a great deal!

Explore Gloucestershire
26 June 2020

For further information.


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