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Latest on Gloucester Cathedral ‘Beacon of Hope’ £1 million Appeal

Gloucester Cathedral Beacon of Hope Appeal

Gloucester Cathedral ‘Beacon of Hope’ £1 million Appeal Reaches Halfway Milestone.

Gloucester Cathedral’s £1m appeal gets off to a flying start with early gifts pushing the ‘Beacon of Hope’ fundraising past the £500,000 mark.

Launched in June with a £250,000 leadership grant from the Julia and Hans Rausing Charitable Trust, all gifts to the appeal will ensure the Cathedral can continue to play a crucial role in the local community’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Having been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis, the Cathedral stands to lose up to £1.3 million by 2021 in lost visitor and events income. The ‘Beacon of Hope’ Appeal is seeking to raise £1 million by Christmas to keep the Cathedral open for everyone.  This funding will enable a programme of cultural and social activities to help inspire local communities, promote wellbeing, support those who are most vulnerable and stimulate the local economy.

The Cathedral recently announced that it would be hosting Luke Jerram’s ‘Gaia’ this October as part of the campaign.

Lord Vestey, Chair of the appeal said:
“Gloucester Cathedral has an ambitious development programme in place which will pave the way for the coming decade and will ensure its sustainability for centuries to come. However, much like many others, the Cathedral’s finances have suffered because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Having lived in Gloucester all my life, I am very happy to donate to the Beacon of Hope Appeal and I am most grateful to the people of our county who have also given so generously. We are working hard to make sure that the Cathedral can remain open and continue to play a key role at the heart of the recovery. I am thrilled that half a million pounds has already been secured and confident that with everyone’s help we can achieve our target.”       

If you wish to support the appeal, please visit link below.

Explore Gloucestershire
21 August 2020


For further information.


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