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‘A Life in Lockdown’ exhibition: your memories of Covid-19 in Gloucestershire

Exhibitions at Gloucester Museum

The Museum of Gloucester is currently closed.

They are working towards a re-opening to the public, but unable to confirm a date that the museum will reopen at present.

In the meantime, they are active online with posting engaging content and virtual tours every week. The tours highlight museum collections and areas of both the Museum of Gloucester and The Folk of Gloucester and are also having a wide variety of material to help you (and entertain you) over lockdown, perhaps with home-schooling, what to watch or just for brushing up on your history and knowledge of Gloucester!
The Museum of Gloucester are also working hard on an upcoming exhibition titled ‘A Life In Lockdown’: Memories of Covid-19 In Gloucestershire, hopefully coming to the museum in Autumn 2020. Find out how to be a part of the exhibition.
All videos and content can be found on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube channels.
Contact the Museum of Gloucester if you would like further information.

Explore Gloucestershire
25 June 2020


For further information.


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