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Cotswold Show celebrates tourism award

The Cotswold Show 2015

Cirencester’s Cotswold Show and Food Festival is celebrating this week after being awarded a gold medal by the Cotswold Tourism awards in the Tourism Event category.
Earl Bathurst, the Show’s President, hosts the annual Show in Cirencester Park. He says: “This is a wonderful accolade for the Show. There is a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes to get ready for the gates to open and to ensure the Show runs smoothly. We’re delighted that this has been recognised and my thanks go to the whole team which makes it happen.”
The 2014 Show included arena attractions, living working countryside activities, rare breed animal exhibits and a sizeable Food Festival. It also welcomed BBC’s Countryfile programme to the event as it filmed its Summer Special programme, screened in August.
The Tourism Event is a hotly contested category with previous winners including the International Air Tattoo at Fairford. Judges look at excellence in visitor experience, satisfaction and events which achieved great results in 2014.
The Cotswold Tourism Awards, in their third year, are run in conjunction with Cotswold Life magazine and are aligned with Visit England regional awards. This means the Cotswold Show is now eligible to enter the national Awards for Excellence in 2015.
Earl Bathurst says: “We will definitely be entering. Planning is well under way for the 2015 Show on 4th and 5th of July.”

The Show will be launching a new website in the New Year when tickets go on sale. This will include the full line up of arena attractions and activities which for the first time includes a professional cookery theatre with some surprises in store.

Explore Gloucestershire
31 December 2014

For further information.


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