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Win £500: Explore Gloucestershire Photo Competition 2015 now open

Gloucestershire at its Best Photography Competition 2015

The Explore Gloucestershire at its Best Photography Competition is back! 

We are delighted to have the support for another year from our main website sponsors Stagecoach West Buses, who provide an invaluable service to locals and visitors alike, working together to explore our beautiful county. 

The winning photograph will receive £500 jointly donated by Explore Gloucestershire and Stagecoach West Buses.

So if you think you have a photograph of Gloucestershire at its best, or think you can better the fabulous past winning images, then you may have the chance of winning the amazing cash prize.

In the past we have had some very inspiring entries and this year we're expecting the level to be even higher with such a high value cash prize for the winning image. The photograph requirements are very flexible, but in short, as long as the photo is taken in Gloucestershire then you may have a chance of winning £500! What's stopping you... get out there and snap yourself a potential winner!

Explore Gloucestershire
6 January 2015

For further information.


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