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Spring is in the Air! Humboldt Penguins Laying at Birdland

Birdland Penguins

The colony of Humboldt penguins at Birdland, Bourton-on-the- Water are truly twitterpated! With new partnerships made, and the new arrivals also laying Keepers at Birdland are looking forward to seeing chicks arrive.
Keepers at Birdland have recently installed new nesting sites, which the Humboldt penguins have been showing more than just a passing interest. Keepers are pleased to announce that Milly has laid the first Humboldt egg of 2015!
Head Keeper Alistair Keen Says, “Milly is not yet incubating the egg and so we are expecting a second egg to soon follow. Milly has paired with Neville for the first time, so whilst her eggs previously have been infertile we are hoping that her new mate will provide a fertile egg.”
Also laying is Luna who has laid her first ever egg. She has paired up with Hagrid and they are both sitting on the nest at present.
Humboldts incubate their eggs for approximately 40 days, with both male and female parents taking turns to sit on the nest.
Visitors can meet the Humboldt penguins, as well as the King Penguins, and learn more at the twice daily feeding and talk at 11.30am and 2pm. Birdland are also home to a cute King Penguin Chick and the only breeding colony of King Penguins.

Explore Gloucestershire
16 March 2015

For further information.


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