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The Way of the Cross – On the Streets of Gloucester

Easter at Gloucester Cathedral

This Good Friday, 3 April, Gloucester Cathedral and the city's churches come together for the second year running to stage the Passion, the last hours of Christ in the streets of Gloucester.  Performed by people from the Christian community, it is a chance for the people of Gloucestershire to re-live the events of that first Good Friday, from Jesus' sentencing by Pilate to his Crucifixion.

The events of Good Friday did not take place behind closed doors, inside a building. They happened on the streets, and it is important that we bear witness to this. Before we reach the eggs, chocolate and bunnies, there is blood, pain, sacrifice, suffering but most importantly, love.

Writer and director Rachel Murray says, ‘This is going to be a provocative production, even in rehearsal on the streets, people have been profoundly affected.  We have been able to build on last year, that was attended by over 500 people and are hoping for even bigger audiences this year.  I can promise some surprising and deeply affecting moments.  All are welcome to come along, engage with a big community project, be part of the action by joining the cast and crowd and accompany Jesus in the final hours of his life’.  

For more information please contact Rachel on or 07773 345816.

The drama begins at 10.00am at the Gates of Gloucester Cathedral, come and be a part of it.

Explore Gloucestershire
17 March 2015

For further information.


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