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Animals keeping cool at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Animals cooling down at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Award-winning Oxfordshire photographer and Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society Philip Joyce captured these stunning images of various animals at the Park being treated to cooling enrichments in the summer heatwave.

They feature Cotswold Wildlife Park's oldest resident, George the Giant Tortoise (86-years old), enjoying a shower from Reptile keeper Meg, Tamanduas (also known as Lesser Anteaters) sticking their long noses into watermelons. Meanwhile, in Lemur exhibit 'Madagascar', a Red Bellied Lemur youngster named Matiz adored the frozen rainbow smoothies so much, he wouldn't let his mum Maren anywhere near the ice enrichment (please see photos).

The most surprising reaction came from our breeding Emu pair, Monty and Margo when Bird keeper Issy turned on the sprinkler. Monty immediately ran straight over and bathed under the fine spray, even laying down and rolling around on the ground, much to the amusement of visitors curiously watching him enjoy the sprinkler. Whenever Issy moved the position of the spray, Monty followed her.

Pop along and see these and many other animals this summer at Cotswold Wildlife Park which is open daily from 10am.

Explore Gloucestershire
11 July 2022

For further information.


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