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Art exhibition at Chedworth Roman Villa

Art exhibition at Chedworth Roman Villa

An exhibition inspired by Roman culture, surrounding nature and wildlife is being held at Chedworth Roman Villa featuring a range of art works from over 20 local artists between 10 September and 9 October.
This is the second year that the National Trust is holding an art exhibition at Chedworth Roman Villa. In 2015 over 70 pieces were displayed from 16 different artists. This year the circle of artists has increased with new creators bringing in fresh pieces for show and sale.
Sigute Barniskyte-Kidd, who is curating the art exhibition on behalf of National Trust, says: ‘Chedworth Roman Villa offers a beautiful site to display and contemplate artworks. The combination of stunning landscape and history of artisanship provides a perfect back-drop to admire artistic creation. There will be lovely pieces to purchase for home and garden.’
Exhibits will reflect the Roman villa’s history and culture, wealth and luxuries, landscape, nature, wildlife and archaeology.
Following the Roman tradition of mosaic craft there will be many mosaics available to admire and purchase, made by local mosaicists, including Erica Bibbings, Jo Moreman, Angela Williams and Lynda Knott, Jane Bracey, Robin R James, Yvette Green and Debbie Stirling.
Rupert Aker is returning with his popular oil paintings of Cotswold landscapes, meadows and hedgerows. Also back is Myra Murby with her figurative sculptures of people and animals and Simon Clements with sculptures of Helix Pomatia - Latin for Roman snails, which still live on site at Chedworth.
Continuing the wildlife theme, Linda Rees has mastered the ancient craft of willow weaving and uses traditional basketry techniques to create willow sculptures of local wild and domestic animals.
New artists this year include metal sculptors Andrew Findlay and Lizzie White, with beautiful decorative and functional pieces for garden. Phil Hinton is introducing a range of skilfully carved oak benches and outdoor oak sculptures, while Anthony Rogers presents his new wood sculptures based on natural shapes of leaves and growth.
Stephanie Cushing’s bright and smooth stone pieces contrast with the archaeological background of the site, whilst organic forms of Philippa Macarthur’s ceramic sculptures draw on the aquatic theme and the Roman traditions of worshiping the water spirits.
The Art Exhibition will be held between the 10th September and 9th October 2016, both indoors and outside. Normal opening times will apply.
More information is available on the website (see below)

Explore Gloucestershire
6 September 2016

For further information.


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