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National Trust opens a new woodland area at Chedworth Roman Villa

National Teust Properties in Gloucestershire

Visitors to Chedworth Roman Villa can now explore a woodland area adjacent to the ancient Roman site, complete with new access routes, outdoor amphitheatre and splendid views.

The wooded hillside above the ancient ruins has been recently cleared by a team of National Trust volunteers, who have constructed new steps and pathways allowing visitors to access additional grounds at Chedworth. This has almost doubled the area of the site currently open to public.

Visitors can now enjoy more of the outdoor space and families can explore the woodland by following a trail of small treasure chests hidden along the route.

Rosalind Marsden, education assistant for National Trust at Chedworth Roman Villa says, ‘The new area provides a woodland trail, den building, a lookout point with a view across the site, a ‘fairy ring’ discovery circle and an opportunity for budding Ciceros to wax lyrical from a vantage point in the new amphitheatre.’

Families and woodland enthusiasts are invited to attend the official opening on Saturday 17th September at 11.00am. During the opening event costumed interpreters will be on hand to show you how the Romans would have used this area and the Victorian gamekeeper who discovered the Villa - Thomas Margetts - will also be putting in an appearance.

The woodland will be open during normal Villa opening hours from mid-September onwards. For more information please visit the website (see below)

Explore Gloucestershire
23 September 2016

For further information.


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